Listen To The Voice Of The Lord


One of the things I have been learning lately from my time in the Bible is a simple command from the Lord: Listen to Him.

I’ve been reading large portions of the Old Testament each day (some days up to nine chapters, some only one because I can tell I’m not retaining anything). At this point, I certainly miss reading less and meditating more. I don’t plan on making this type of reading a habit. But as I feel less knowledgeable about the Old Testament, I wanted to read more of it closer together. One of the benefits of this is catching themes, patterns, and repetitions the author is laying before you.

Sometimes we try to glean in-depth, complex, robust theological insights from our bible reading and time with God. One thing I’ve learned when you are reading more of the Bible each day in an overview fashion, is if you approach every day’s reading with that mindset, you will become exhausted and tired.

But what if the Lord longs to share something more simple, to take you back to “beginnings”? What is a basic truth we are to learn about God that we may feel we “graduate” from as we grow in our intellectual abilities?

Simple: Listen to God. Everything would go better for Israel if they just listened. So it is with us. We are either becoming more sensitive or more resistant to the voice of the Lord.

Learning to listen more,
