Redemption Takes Time


In the Gospel we have hope that things can get better in this life. Either through changed circumstances or God’s presence amidst difficulty. We believe the Gospel can lead to reconciliation, peace, forgiveness, and a million other beautiful things in our life. God works within us to take what is dead and lead it into life. He can redeem what is broken.

Often though, in that middle ground between what is and what will be there is much pain, much grappling, much difficulty. When our families have strife, when illness does not leave, when peace seems far and the tears flow. I felt the weight of that this morning and God reminded me of a basic truth that felt helpful:

Redemption takes time.

One step after another

I never want to discount that some people may find instant redemption regarding some things in their life. Maybe God miraculously heals. Maybe family reconciliation happens instantly in a powerful moment. Maybe we never struggle with that sin again. These are beautiful, but for most of us I think our stories are more “one step after another” instead of a giant leap to wholeness.

Think back to the scriptures, God often worked over time to bring about his purposes.

  • Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for the fulfillment of God’s promise in Isaac. (Genesis 12 and 25)

  • For 40 years, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, eating quail and manna.

  • Jesus took three days to be raised from death to life.

in process

What do we learn from these examples? Healing is not only in the destination of redemption, but the journey towards it. God is at work in the painful middle ground. Was He ever absent or not at work in these periods of time listed above? No! He was working in powerful ways, often in the journey towards the destination.

So are you feeling the weight of the broken world today? Longing for redemption that is not complete yet? Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Just because it takes some time doesn’t mean God is not at work. He is. He has not left you, He will not abandon you on the journey. “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)

He is at work while you wait for that redemption. This world may be painful, but remember, a time is coming where all things will be made new. (Revelation 21:5) Partially in this world, fully in the next one.

Redemption takes time. It is not often instant. Don’t lose heart.

Journeying with you,


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