Lord, Don't Leave Me

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A prayer shaped from Micah 7:8- “Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.”

Dear God,

There are times in my Christian life where I feel I am in darkness. Darkness creates confusion and fear. Darkness causes disorientation and feelings of no hope. Sometimes those are my spiritual reality. Are you near in darkness?

Can I be that honest? Can I say those words? Or must I pretend to know the answers? You see my heart, there is no pretense before you. I want to love you more than I do. I want to choose you more than I do. I want to honor you more than I do.

Is the darkness my fault? Did I walk away from the light? Or has the light gone out? No, no, this is despair. This is the tempter trying to confuse and sadden me. Ah yes, I remember the text now, you will be my light. So in the darkness I look to the source of light.

God, thank you for being my ever-present companion, no matter how dark the night is. You never leave me. You are always beside me. Through still waters and through mountains. Through deserts and through grassy fields. When my sin feels too weighty. When the consequences of my rebellion threaten everything I hold dear. When guilt crushes. When sadness is close. You are the light that permeates darkness.

The text says that you are my light. Mine. Personal. Close. Intimate. Given freely. You are not a streetlamp, for whoever passes by. You are a personal flashlight, a torch. Always with me. Always available.

Darkness shrouds what is truly there. Darkness is not the reality, darkness is merely the inability to see what is present. Remind me of this when darkness enters, Lord, that you are my light.

You are my light in the darkness, you will not leave. Help me trust this promise from your word.

Praying with you,



We know life can get dark sometimes, reach out if you need anything: