Posts in Anxiety
Spiritual Tiredness | Rest

Tiredness is a symptom of a deeper reality; so it is with our spiritual fatigue. There is a distinction to be made between being tired from time to time and staying tired. That is when you need to take a more serious look, what are the symptoms revealing?

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The Blessing Of Imagery

God has given us such a gift in the words of the Bible. He’s given us language to explain and express the good and difficult states of our hearts. For those of you that are in a difficult spiritual state, remember the blessing of imagery. May we read our Bibles all the more! Consider using these words/images (and others!) to pray to God about what is going on in your life. Know that God, in His deep love for you, has given other people words to say, pictures to paint, and songs to sing that can be used to give you words and names for your difficulty.

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