My Quiet Time Was Unspectacular Today, Is Something Wrong?


Have you ever felt like quiet time was broken?

You block off time, try to eliminate distractions. You sit down to read your assigned reading for that day and as you get to the end you start to say to yourself: “What am I supposed to do with any of this?”

None of the verses stuck out, it feels like God didn’t speak. You turn to prayer and your thoughts race, staying on track is hard. By the end of the quiet time you simply feel frustrated. It is supposed to be easier than this, isn’t it? We are taking time out of our days to follow Jesus. To try and connect with Him. Is something wrong when it’s unspectacular and even feels like nothing happened?


On the journey of a disciple of Jesus, a lot of steps are unspectacular. But those steps are no less important because they keep you with Jesus. They are doing more than you are aware.

Think about the disciples who followed Jesus from one town to another, place to place. They were humans. They had wandering minds and restless spirits. The scriptures even say right after some of them witnesses Jesus’ transfiguration they started debating which of the disciples was the greatest. Not only are they incredibly immature (like us), their minds don’t stay on task.

I say all of this to say, have hope. Not every step (quiet time) is going to feel spectacular or particularly moving as you follow Jesus as His disciple. But perhaps those times it doesn’t are more important than you think. Because Jesus doesn’t work in ways we assume He does.

Maybe the persistence of your quiet time when it isn’t doing what you wish is cultivating a trust and a faith in Jesus that you need. Maybe Jesus knows what you need and He is teaching you just as much in the process of daily showing up for your quiet time as He is in the content of it.

Like Israel with the mana. He will daily provide what you need, even if you don’t like its form.

My Morning

I sat down this morning to read my scripture reading. I wanted to be with God. I wanted to connect. As I finished reading I didn’t know what to think about. None of the verses felt particularly powerful. I didn’t sense God leading me to meditate on anything. I just felt frustrated. Why is this so hard?

Then the spirit brought to mind the idea of discipleship. That some days are simply mundane. Nothing special. Nothing spectacular. Just taking steps, trying to keep up with Jesus. What is the word for trusting in things you cannot see?


And Jesus seemed to really value faith in those who were following Him.

So yeah, today feels pretty lackluster. But I’m going to work hard to show up again tomorrow, bible open, journal and pen by my side. Trusting that God will give me my daily bread. Wether it’s a crumb or a loaf. For He knows what I need and my faith is in His wisdom.

Don’t give up on your daily quiet times.

Following Jesus with you, one step at a time,
