The Straight and Narrow Path


I came across a great quote while I was reading Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotion this morning.

You cannot grow in grace to any high degree while you are conformed to the world. The life of separation may be a path of sorrow, but it is the highway of safety; and though the separated life may cost you many pangs, and make every day a battle, yet it is a happy life after all. No joy can excel that of the soldier of Christ: Jesus reveals himself so graciously, and gives such sweet refreshment, that the warrior feels more calm and peace in his daily strife than others in their hours of rest. The highway of holiness is the highway of communion.

-Charles Spurgeon April 6th, Morning and Evening

It reminded me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:13 - “Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the. way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it.” One of the reasons we choose the narrow gate is because in so doing we get a deeper communion with God.

Think about it, deep communion is formed in our earthly relationships by walking in the same direction together, by saying as you look someone into the eyes, “I trust you, I will follow you here.” As it is with God, the highway of holiness is the highway of communion. God isn’t just after our begrudging submission to his rules. God is after far more than that.

We fight to live holy lives because we believe that we get more of God, not less, in obedience to Him.

Fighting with you,



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